
in proces (2)

grey skies outside, rainbows at work 


roses that believe they are peonies

my favourites of an inspiring weekend

lovely visit of the dutch design week in eindhoven

superb colour studies of scholten & baijings
the most intriguing concept, all the way from korea
fascinating oddities by lenneke wispelwey 
yes to craftmenship!

M 's favourite blocks in xxxxl by norman miller
the fascinating world of 3d printing



recently i am fascinated by those little medals that all kinds of religions and different tribes make to protect their babies.  to be worn close to the skin, close to the heart. i made a little silver baby, 12 mm high to be worn by a baby , yet to be born, still waiting for the good news of a boy or a girl


in process

flor, the pinguin recently came to live on my workbench. he will become a necklace I guess but he is not convinced yet
flor also brought a friend : jan, the man of all powers, he has a big mouth but the sweetest heart, that's why i like to pin him as a brooch for little boys
this little girl, i called her miep, the mouse is a bit shy in the beginning but I foresee a great future for her as little girls' friend.
but for now they have a good time together and i just have a lot of work to do

(all figurines made in 100% sterling silver)


harvest -2

this evening in our garden, 3 little deer (mother with 2 babies) looking for fallen apples


time to harvest

any good recipe for pickles?


water balloons - the nicest way to refresh on warm summer days
a fresh start to blogging too


Hope to see you all in Vissenaken on sunday. More info on OOH LA LA



some girls have all the fun

tea 2

lots of work, an endless list, but my own choice, seems to give me energy. japanese green tea with cherry blossom leaves keeps me company during the dark hours. hope to show you some results soon.


spring thoughts

a new carpet, made by my mother when she was 19, makes the carpet 50 years old, the colors fit perfectly in our house today

lots of work to do, just wondering if in 50 years my digressions also will find a new home


too beautiful

just decided this eggplant is too beautiful to chop for the ratatouille. hopefully i will find a recipe that demeans him


old habits

F started drawing again. friday evenings and saturdays are filled with ink and pencils and the friendship of an art school

blue doors

my favourite part of the house is closed only by an old stable door. in spring and summer the big door is always open, in autumn it allows to  sit outside while being covered from rain and wind. to keep the cold out on winter days we made an extra set of doors; this weekend i covered them with ice blue wall paper.

 just need an extra set of blankets as the room has no heating



beginning of the week had blue skies and ice cold, my favourite winter weather. now we are back to grey, leaves me staring at my moon globe for some blue


the box

the box we would save in case of a fire
containing next to all documents of the adoption, all souvenirs of those first days, 
  his kazakh felt shoes, his first toys, 

most important, a small blanket in blue and orange, given to him when we left the orphanage together, a present from the director  to comfort him when he would be scared. it was made in the house and she strongly believed the smell would make him brave, still today M believes in it. and still today it works 

those first days , food was extremely important, so the box also contains his favourite russian cheese package



Paris never disappoints, perfect for loading winter batteries.


Musée du Quai Branley

Atelier Brancusi

 Centre Pompidou

and for some shopping

Petit Pan



i am a tea addict, this super delicious detox kusmi tea fits exactly in my new year state of mind
maté - green tea - citronelle

every day

 removed all christmas decoration & cleaned the house, feels good party time is over

enjoyed grocery shopping, only discovered at home the packaging of my favorite toothpaste changed temporarily

a fresh start

a new start - leaving 2011 behind